Education (November, 2022)
Approaching 19 months on the road, the education of both our kids continues to be the priority. It takes on different shapes and enters the conversation differently depending on where we are and what our focuses are. For example, education is still at the front during summer months, but the curriculum that Polly and V follow, provided by Calvert Academy, is completed and it feels a little different, dare I say, less formal.
We want to draw focus to V in this update. Obviously, both our kids have different focuses and are developing at different stages right now. Both are flourishing in some areas and working in others. However, it’s important to share that V is a young teen boy who came into this world as a micro-preemie. He overcame many obstacles and is an extremely fortunate young man considering his initial circumstances. With that said, V does have ADHD and anxiety and has historically bonded better with his teachers or surrounding adults, rather than his peers.
So, it’s exciting for us to share that V has accelerated into a true passion for astrophotography. Having visited various observatories in the United States and Canada over the last year and a half, V is using telescopes, cameras, various hardware, and software that a year or so ago we didn’t even know existed. V is developing real skills in astronomy, photography, photo and video editing, and how to interact with many types of people that belong to the Astro community. As a result, he has started getting some attention for his efforts on social media due to his age and what he is producing already. It’s truly exciting to watch him come into his own. As parents, we have found ourselves more routinely letting him flourish and simply “getting out of his way”. He’s doing it on his own. We have simply provided him with an environment to follow his passion and begin interacting directly with those he can connect with. Peers and mentors have taken on a different meaning in this environment. As parents, that’s what we are all aiming to do, right? So, this isn’t an earth-shattering how-to, blog. However, we hope it does positively reinforce what a nomadic lifestyle can do for a young person. Especially a young person who doesn’t fit easily into the traditional American mold of public education.
Please visit V’s Astro site, and his Instagram page HERE.
He absolutely appreciates the support and interest.

Jumping into a digital nomad life requires different things for different people to be successful in it. For us, part of the transition includes how we not only educate our kids, but learning what exactly will allow them to flourish, develop, and grow as people.
Education is very important in the formula for growth and we have decided on how to address the curve ball presented by the pandemic and legislative confusion from our home state of Texas. Feel free to visit HERE to watch our latest update on it and for links to some of the resources we have found.